Since its inception in 2005, Design Miami/ has become a highlight of the cultural calendar. Bi-annually it brings together the most influential galleries, collectors, dealers, designers, curators and critics from around the world to further current design culture and comment.
The fair is dedicated to the elevation and celebration of design, with the goal of transforming not only the way design is bought and sold but also how it’s understood and discussed within the wider cultural landscape. Our job is to reinvent the visual story each season, with an exciting hook that captures the imagination.
The defining element of the identity is a simple ‘divide line’. A clean but crucial element, this line represents the geographic duality of the show’s locations. Manifesting itself both graphically and physically through all facets of the brand, it has allowed the identity to evolve and elaborate each year as we consistently strive to reinvent the brand in new ways. The brand icon has been portrayed in paint strokes, tearing, cutting and more graphic articulations.